Back to School Series- Final Countdown
It’s the final countdown!
This week we will get you to a solid bedtime routine and a consistent wake up time that will help you transition into school.
I have done a post on bedtime routine before, but I wanted to include a refresher in case. Sometimes all it takes is to freshen up your bedtime routine to get you back into a good place for school.
One of my biggest tips for getting your bedtime routine back on track is to be consistent. Consistency is going to give your child- whether she is 4 months or 4 years- a cue about what comes next. If you always finish up the day with brushing teeth, reading a book, singing a song, then tuck in and lights out- it will only take a few nights before your child knows what comes next.
What to include in your bedtime routine? That’s really up to you and your family. Some families like to include a game or singing, others like to include a gospel study or prayers. The point of it is to be a signal that bedtime is coming, and to be more calming than stimulating. Running around the house screaming and chasing each other is probably not the greatest activity right before bedtime. However, reading books and telling stories could be a great way to end the day.
One last thing to focus on in the week leading up to going back to school is a consistent wake up time.
I left this for the last week of the series because it may be the hardest one to implement. I personally have let my wake up time slip about two hours later than I like to have it. Getting kids back to their school wake up time means I have to get up earlier. I’m sure a lot of parents are feeling that same thing.
About a week before school starts, begin waking up at that ideal time again. Try not to allow extra naps throughout the day. When you move this wake up time, your child may be tired earlier in the evening. That’s completely normal and it’s appropriate to offer an early bedtime to help your child transition back to an early wake up time.
I know that doing these two things, as well as the things in the other Back to School posts, is going to help get your child rested and ready for school.
If you find yourself needing help getting your child rested, head over to the “Work With Me” page to see the options for working one on one.